Sunday, 12 July 2015


"Luke 9:16
        And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd."
    In our daily walk in this world, we encounter challenges of life that test our faith but in all situations we are to look up to God. Jesus looked up when he wanted to multiply the meal. What exactly was he doing? He was simply shifting focus from the people to the one who has the answer knowing that the answer was not in the situation.
     At times, our situation pulls us so down that we don't realize there is someone up there. We are so desperate to do something about a situation that could only be resolved by God.
     Last week, I so desired and searched for a job because I was tired of the token I was getting from my parents. That idea is not bad but what if instead of searching, I lift up my head, my heart and my voice to God for wisdom on what to do or I look up to him for abundance in the family.
    The blessing of God is what elevates you from the level of wretchedness. It is what makes you contented with the little amount you receive at your various places of work because you know that it will be multiplied to bless you and people around you. God's grace is never a function of our work so there is no amount you get from work that will be enough without His blessing.
   Silver and Gold are only products of the blessing not the blessing itself. They are no reasons to be distracted from God. The blessing of God is what supplies all riches. Our focus must remain God. Our real bank account lies with him.
   Shift your focus from your works and look unto Christ for his blessings. 

   I am blessed! The blessed call me blessed. I greatly increase, expand and multiply. I do not set my affections on the things beneath,  I look up to Christ the seed. He is my Power to increase. When men are limited by the natural, I press on with the supernatural. I AM BLESSED!

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