Thursday 4 June 2015


Who you really are is a very crucial matter about life.  You need to be able to define yourself since this is the only way you can bring out the best in this self. 
A double tragedy in life is; to die without knowing who you really are and to live denying who you really are.
My article today is centred on self image and self esteem which is One of the biggest issues in the life of all of us.
Self image is how you perceive yourself. It is formed by a number of self impressions that come up over time. This self image can be positive, giving a person confidence in their thought and action or negative, giving them doubts of their abilities and ideas.
Surprisingly and oftentimes,  your outward appearance can be a facade but then  our self image can determine our approach toward life. 
If  you have a positive self image, you approach life positively.  However, it is important that your self image be not only positive but realistic.  Having an unrealistic self image can be a drawback whether the self image be positive or negative.
A negative self image can cause discouragement, failure and a negative thought can also encourage change, hard work, growth and success. Sometimes, having to positive self image can encourage complacency,  underachievement and arrogance.
Finding balance between feeling positive about oneself and having realistic goals is important.
Building self esteem is an inside job. Other people, circumstances, performance, success or failure will only allow a good self esteem to elude us.
So,  take time to develop a realistic self image and build your self esteem. These are the things that make you up.


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    1. Thanks for the comment. I am really glad to have your comment. Kindly follow @Tho_minsin.
